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October 26, 2012

Kokosovi piškoti - Coconut biscuits

Danes sem naredila - prvič - te kokosove piškote.
Today I made, for the first time, these coconut biscuits.
200g kokosove moke200g coconut flour
140g sladkorja140g sugar
2 jajci - mali2 eggs - small
1 čž pecilnega praška1ts baking powder
90g moke90g flour
80ml sladke smetane80ml cream - double cream
ščep solipinch of salt

Jajca, sol, sladkor in smetano sem rahlo zmešala v posodi.
First I stirred together the eggs, salt, sugar and cream.
V drgui posodi sem zmešala kokosovo moko, navadno moko in pecilni prasek.
In a second bowl I put together the coconut flour, plain flour and baking powder.
Dodala suhe sestavine mokrim in premešala.
Added the dry ingredients to the wet and stirred until mixed.
Pokrila in dala na hladno za urco.
Covered it and put it in the fridge for about an hour so that it gets a bit hard.
Naredila majhne kroglice (2cm premera) in pekla 10 minut na 180°C, oz dokler niso postali malo zlato rjavi.
Made small balls (2cm), put them on a baking sheet and baked them for 10min at 180°C until golden brown.



  1. Mmm, preprosto in okusno - to mi je všeč :)

    1. Čeprav je bil komentar "A samo toliko jih je?" Ker jih je prišlo le 28.
